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Silver Magic: How Colloidal Silver Can TRANSFORM Your Life
14 March, 2023
IT'S NOW OR NEVERYou are about to learn incredible, scientifically-supported, evidence-based truths about one of the most powerful elements known to man. Did you know that silver can treat virtually all common ailments, from eradicating the common cold virus to even starving cancer cells? That colloidal silver is a supercharged broad-range antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal agent without parallel?Believe ItWhether understanding colloidal silver basics, ingesting powerful nanoparticles, or totally revamping your natural immune system defenses, using PURE colloidal silver (aka ‘Silver Magic’) has the power to TRANSFORM your life forever. Without colloidal silver in our lives, we may never achieve optimal health and well-being. Instead, we'll trudge through...
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Muir’s Gambit: A Spy Game Novel (The Aiken Trilogy Book 1)
11 March, 2023
Winner - 2022 SPY THRILLER OF THE YEAR – Best ThrillersEDITOR’S PICK - Publishers Weekly Booklife / EDITORS’ PICK - Amazon Book Review Prequel to Beckner’s classic film Spy Game, Muir's Gambit opens with the assassination of CIA hero Charlie March. Mentor to Nathan Muir, March’s murder presents Langley the opportunity to rid themselves of Cold War dinosaur Muir. Muir's Gambit introduces hard-luck CIA lawyer Russell Aiken dispatched to force Muir’s confession. The protégé Muir cast aside for Tom Bishop, Aiken thirsts for payback. As the two spies play a cat-and-mouse interrogation, Muir's Gambit examines the lives of two men...
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The Mind Detective
10 March, 2023
The extraordinarily open and honest tale of self-realization when reaching rock bottom.The Mind Detective is a compassionate but forceful single minded unwavering pulse, a bit like a flee in your ear pushing you to face your resistance to change, the writer calls this your unconscious ego and throughout the book she slowly and simply introduces you to yours cleverly through her own story and reveals how all the behaviours controlled by this entity are the reason you don’t feel good inside.This book is NOT just another self-help guide peddling makeover mantras and mindset makeovers, it is a powerful memoir within a...
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3 March, 2023
Thatch has a terrible thirst, an ever expanding waistline, a dog and an estranged wife. A heart condition too. That'll be the complete set then. And now he's got an unsolved crime on his doorstep so, with little else for the retired detective to do other than wait for opening time or potter about in the garden, this is a good thing.Probably.Yes, granted, there's a dodgy millionaire and a Ukrainian drug lord in the mix, but likely nothing that a bit of old fashioned police work can't sort.What could possibly go wrong?
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Billy Doyle – Accidental Hero
2 March, 2023
The book opens in 2014, the 70th anniversary of D-Day when the teacher of twins Nick and Emily Doyle presents them with their summer holiday project. Photographs and conversations with older family members regarding war memories were required.This would be a verbal portrait of the part they had played in saving the country from possible invasion. Due to parental work commitments, the twins were entrusted with the company of their grandparents as baby-sitters and an opportunity for in-depth talks arose.Billy Doyle, now a Grandad affectionately known as ‘Pops,’ reminisces about his home life, adventures, friendships and self-doubts during the first...
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In Love We Speak
2 March, 2023
In love we speak. Angels communicate and our loved ones, who have passed to the greater life, for there is no death. Through thoughts and memories our loved ones connect to us, they are closer now than ever before. Love is our connection far greater than you could ever imagine.I had reached a low point in my life, I needed to get my thoughts down on paper. In doing so I found inspirational messages coming out. Angels spoke of love that energy that connects us all, that there is no death only the physical. You spirit is connected to the...
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Promises Decay & Other Monstrosities
1 March, 2023
There is a murder of crows flying over the graveyard. One such creature separates from the group and spirals downwards to land on a massive conifer. The blackbird squawked twice, seeming to direct our attention down. Far off to the left, up closer towards the building, a small gathering of mourners comforts each other amid flowers meant to convey joy. Though, they are only beacons of haste today.One man stood by like a baroque statue, unshakable in his reserve. Held in his embrace, was a woman in mourning. Like a thing carved, he gazed down at the gravestone with eyes...
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Cowboy Daddies
1 March, 2023
Two hot as sin Texan grown brothers and one lucky girl… Whose about to get the ride of her life. After an insane breakup I'm left with is a bruised heart and an overdrawn bank account.Luckily, I see a HELP WANTED sign.A bar that happens to be owned by two SMOKING HOT brothers.Boss #1 is sex-on-legs and fun loving southern charmer, Blake.Boss #2 is the brooding no-frills cowboy on a mission, Austin.They give me orders during the day.And demand my complete submission at night.I can't help but find myself falling hard for the southern lovers.But the cartel is nose deep...
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Kip’s Progress:: How to fall asleep before the snoring starts up on the other side of the bed.
1 March, 2023
I didn’t create this piece of work. It just happened to me, and others, and all I did was write it down. It is a third biographical, a further third auto-biographical, and a third Instruction Manual on how to fall asleep before anyone else in the room starts snoring. All the characters and incidents in the biographical elements of the narrative are real people, and the experiences related are 100% true, and 80% accurate, memory permitting. I feel that autobiographies are by nature a little self-indulgent.Why would anyone want to hear the story of an ordinary mucker whose journey has...
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Red Storm: Complete Series
28 February, 2023
Deep in the Kremlin, a plan is hatched……to restore Russia’s place in the world.Will the Ukrainian army fold as they expect?A sleeping giant is awake, but it’s not the one the world expects. The first spark at the powder keg comes on the Crimean Peninsula, but this is only the beginning. Soon, Korea, Taiwan, and China will factor into a different type of war.When bullets turn to bytes……will the allies be ready?The US President has a decision to make. There’s just one problem; his advisers are deeply divided on the next move. He must bring together a coalition to stand...
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